Lottery selections - USA New Jersey Pick 6
In a lottery, or a raffle, numbers are usually selected from a pool of possible values in such a way that once a number has been chosen, it is no longer possible for it to be picked again. For example the balls in a lotto machine are removed one at at time, and there is no way for the same number to be picked twice. Similarly in a raffle, winning tickets are drawn and then discarded so that the same ticket cannot win twice.
See here for mathematical information on lottery probabilities.
In the USA New Jersey Pick 6, 6 balls are drawn from a set of 49 - you can use the tool below to generate a similar selection of numbers.
The probability of matching all 6 numbers in any one draw is one chance in 13,983,816.
You can choose another lottery here, or specify the number of balls to be drawn below.
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